WEAD Resume
Exhibitions and Publications
Lands and Symbiotic Futures, virtual exhibition Kunstmatrix, WEAD membership exhibit and series of three artist presentations, October 3 - January 31, 2025
Bioneers Exhibition/ Interactive Workshop, Berkeley, CA. Collect Every Drop: Rain Barrel, in collaboration with Eco Art Matters students from Oakland's Laney College, March 28-30
WEAD Magazine Issue No. 14: Kinship: The Art of Connection with guest editors Connie Tell and Donna Brookman, February
Education and Community Events
In-person workshop: Recycled Glass "Window Ware" with Mary White, October 19
Art + Activism Web Series No. 19. Poetics of the Witness. Kim Anno, September 29
Online workshop: Instagram for Artists With Nicole Slater, September 5
Art + Education Web Series No.15. Eco Soma Methods and Media Arts. Petra Kuppers, Aug 25
Art + Activism Web Series No. 18. Those Arriving in the Present. Patsy Craig, June 30
Summer Art Share for members to share artworks and practices and engage in the mission, June 30.
Art + Education Web Series No.14. The Circle: Relational Practice from the Studio to the Community. Sharon Siskin, May 19
Art + Science Web Series No. 3. Color Histories in a Contemporary Art Practice. Patricia Miranda, April 25
Spring Art Share for members to share artworks and practices and engage in the mission, March 22.
Art + Education Web Series No.13. Breathing Fire: Ice Ships Weep. Robin Lasser, March 24
Art + Healing Web Series No. 6. Healing the Earth: A pilgrimage from how I got to where I am. Fern Shaffer, February 18
Art + Activism Web Series No. 17. Bonnie Ora Sherk: Life Frames since 1970. Tanja Zimbardo, February 12
- Artists & Scientists Winging It Together: A Panel Discussion on Strategizing for Avian Conservation, moderated by Lauren Elder with Jane Kim, Ryan Carle, Maya Khosla and Arthur Firstenberg, January 14
Kinship with Birds in Flight and Plight, virtual exhibition Kunstmatrix, WEAD membership exhibit Nov. 15, 2023-January 31, 2024 and on demand printed catalog
2023 Bioneers Exhibition/ interactive Workshop, Berkeley, CA Collect Every Drop: Rain Barrel, in collaboration with Eco Art Matters students from Laney College, Oakland
EcoArt: Envisioning Strategies and Solutions, Art Works Downtown, San Rafael, CA - February 3 - March 25, 2023
Education and Community Events
Art + Science No. 2: Communicating Science to Native Communities through Native-created and Native-themed art - Mallery Quetawki
Art + Science No. 1: Artistic Musings of a Disease Ecologist - Nina Sokolov
Art + Activism Web Series No. 16: Putting Water in Charge - Betsy Damon
Art + Activism Web Series No. 15: Your Voice, Your Art - Cheryl Dericotte
Art + Activism Web Series No. 14: Soul of Soul - Avotjca Jiltonilro
Art + Education Web Series No. 12: Eco Demo M.O - Linda Weintraub
Art + Education Web Series No. 11: The Art of Lorraine Bonner: Trust and Transformation- Lorraine Bonner
Art + Education Web Series No.10: Sidling up to Botany, Ecology and Geology as Artist/Art Historian - Cynthia Brannvall
Art + Activism Web Series No.13- Art as a Tool- KIM ABELES
The Power of Empathy, Artists Presentations II, Tuesday Jan 31st, 2023 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm PThttps://vimeo.com/794316795
Art + Education Web Series No.9- Creating "Affinity": A Journey to Connection through Collaboration, Charla Elizabeth. Jan 22nd, 2023 5:00 pm 6:00 pm PT
The Power of Empathy, Juried Membership Exhibition, Virtual. November 2022 - February 2023
Art through Action: Restoration and Regeneration, Bioneers Exhibition, May 12-15, 2022
Education and Community Events
Art + Education Web Series No.8- Love Letters to the Planet: Fifty Years of Making Art Ann Savageau. Dec. 4th, 2022 4:30 pm 5:30 pm PT
https://youtu.be/ii11IR3Uka8 -
Art + Education Web Series No.7- DOWN TO EARTH: A presentation & discussion with artist Michele Guieu. Sunday October 30, 2022 10:00 pm 11:00 pm PST
https://youtu.be/e2fdn7a2azs -
Art + Activism Web Series No. 12- Designing a Personal Manifesto – A Living Document BETH GROSSMAN. Sunday November 13, 202 24:30 pm 5:30 pm PST
https://youtu.be/feyhtDhcsuQ -
Art + Education Web Series No.6- The Power of WE: Working Together
Artist Panel discussion with Lisa Zimmer Chu, Andree Singer Thompson, Leslie Smith, Mary White.
Sunday August 28, 2022 4-5:30 pm PST
https://youtu.be/67N6OGN-rFU -
Art + Activism Web Series No. 11- "A presentation by Sant Khalsa: Of A Personal (and Political) Nature. June 24, 2022, 5:00 PM PDT
https://youtu.be/2VA9KmatS-A -
Art + Education Web Series No. 5- "Ecoart in Action: Fostering Social and Ecological Change". A presentation by Contributors and Editors. May 22, 2022 5:00 PM PDT
https://youtu.be/40QD6lgjbR8 -
Art + Activism Web Series No. 10- "Celebrating the Local: 25 Years of Placemaking in Northwest Pennsylvania", A presentation by Amara Geffen. April 24, 2022, 5:00 PM PDT
https://youtu.be/lIdUq2kqlsk -
Art + Education Web Series No. 4- "Black Spaces Matter: Exploring the Aesthetics and Architectonics of an Abolitionist Neighborhood". A presentation by Pamela Karimi. February 27,2022 5:00 PM PDT
Art + Activism Web Series No. 9- “Taking Creating a Tiny House "ART Village " For Homeless Youth: Art Saves Lives", A presentation by Sally Hindman. January 23, 2022, 5:00 PM PDT
Art on the Edge: From Extraction to Restoration and Regeneration Part I, September 18 -October 24, 2021, Gallery Route One, Point Reyes, California
Art on the Edge: From Extraction to Restoration and Regeneration Part 2, October 9, 2021 to January 9, 2022, Peninsula Museum of Art, San Bruno, CA
Traces, January 14-March 12, 2021, Village Theater Gallery, Danville, California
Emotional Numbness: The impact of war on the human psyche and eco systems, September 18, 2020- January 31, 2021, Kunstmatrix
Virtual Exhibition Events
Peninsula Art Museum Group Three Artists Presentations, Mon. Nov. 15, 2021, 5-6 pm PSTd
Peninsula Art Museum Group Two Artists Presentations, Tues. Nov. 9, 2021, 7-8 pm PST
Peninsula Art Museum Group One Artists Presentations, Wed. Nov. 3, 2021, 6-7 pm PDT
Gallery Route One, Group Two Artists Presentations, Sept. 30, 2021 5-6 pm PDT
Gallery Route One, Group One Artists Presentations, Sept. 27, 2021 7-8 PM PDT
Education and Community Events
Art + Activism Web Series No. 7- “Individual Impact: Finding an Activist Life” with Mary O’Brien, Sun. Oct 24, 2021 5:00 PM PDT
Art + Education Web Series No.2- Carol Newborg: “Art is for All of Us”, Sept 19, 2021 5:00 PM PDT
Environmental and Social Justice Art sharing & mixer, Sun. August 23rd, 4:00-5:00pm
Art + Education Web Series No.1- Andrée Singer Thompson: "Art as a Healing Force" Wed. August 18, 2021, 5:00 PM PD
WEAD Summer Art Share Thurs. July 15th, 5:30-6:25pm
Art + Activism Web Series No. 6- “Art as Strategy” with Aviva Rahmani, Sun. May 23, 2021 4:00 PM PDT
Art + Activism Web Series No. 5- “Artists: Essential Workers & Visionaries” by Betsy Damon, Sun. Apr 25, 2021 4:00 PM PDT
Art + Activism No. 4:“Embodied Climate Justice: Dance as Connection" with Sophie Spiral, Sun. Mar 21, 2021 11:00 AM PDT
Art + Activism Web Series No. 3: "Collaborating with Nature" with Stacy Levy, Sun. Feb 21, 2021 5:00 PM PST
Art + Activism Web Series No. 2: "Trash Talk" by Kate Kuaimoku, Sun. Jan 24, 2021 5:00 PM PST
WEAD Arts and Healing Series: Quantum Alchemy & Angelic Energies, Thu. Feb 11, 2021 11:00 AM PST
Emotional Numbness: The impact of war on the human psyche and eco systems, September 18 - October 19, 2020, Platform3 Gallery, Tehran, Iran
Women Eco Artists Dialog: The Legacy of Jo Hanson, March 12 - August, 2020, YoloArts Barn Gallery, Woodland, California.
Feat to Fire: Celebrating 100 Years of Women's Suffrage, January 10 - February 9, 2020, Sanchez Art Center, Pacifica, California.
Education and Community Events
Reclaimed Paper Collage Workshop, January 26, 2020, Sanchez Art Center, Pacifica, California.
ISSUE NO. 11 WOMEN ART POLITICS Magazine Launch, November 5, 2020
Art and Activism Web Series No. 1: "The Art of Playing with the Rain", December 6, 2020
Arts and Healing Series: Breathe Fully, Shine Brightly!, November 30, 2020
Arts and Healing Series: Guided Visual Meditation with Tracey M. Benson, October 15, 2020
Arts and Healing Series: Guided Meditation with Na Om Judy Shintani, September 17, 2020
Women Eco Artists Dialog Spring Mixer + Art Share Online, August 23, 2020.
Arts and Healing Series: Yoga for wellbeing in turbulent times with Sita Davis, July 19, 2020
Bioneers Exhibition October 18-20, 2019.
Education and Community Events
Reclaimed Paper Collage Workshop Fundraiser, November 16, 2019, San Francisco, California.
ISSUE 10: HER<e>TECH Magazine Launch, October 12, 2019. https://directory.weadartists.org/category/magazine/issues/10
ISSUE 10: HER<e>TECH Launch Event, Omni Commons, Oakland CA, October 12, 2019.
Women Eco Artists Dialog Spring Mixer + Art Share, April 12, 2019.
feminist tECnOart, WEAD online exhibition, December 14, 2018, curated by Praba Pilar, Danielle Siembieda and Isabella La Rocca.
PATHWAYS FORWARD, Bioneers Exhibition October 18-20, Marin Center, San Rafael CA
Education and Community Events
Reclaimed Paper Collage Workshop Fundraiser, December 2, 2018, Berkeley, California.
IMAGINING SANCTUARY, WEAD panel, April 15, 2018, Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California
RECLAIMING EARTH: Works By Women Ecoartists, April 8- June 24 2017, Jewitt Gallery, San Francisco Main Library, San Francisco CA, Juror Donna Seager.
Education and Community Events
WEAD- Women Eco Artists Dialog Panel at the Library, April 8, 2017: https://youtu.be/-TzzqkpdgvQ
RECIPROCITY BIONEERS CONFERENCE 2016, October 21-23 , Marin Center, San Rafael CA
SMALLER FOOTPRINTS: Artists Examine Global Warming, January-March 2016, MOAH:CEDAR, 44857 Cedar Avenue, Lancaster, CA. Curated by Linda Weintraub
Education and Community Events
WOMEN'S UNIQUE PERSPECTIVES... IS THERE ONE?, curators panel by Linda Weinraub and participating artists Sharon Siskin, Susan Leibovitz Steinman, Ruth Wallen, and Nancy Macko, March 4 2016, MOAH/Cedar, Museum of Art & History, Lancaster CA.
Jane Ingram Allen WEAD Artist in Residency, Lancaster Museum of Art & History, Cedar Center for the Arts, March 2016.
GENERATION TO GENERATION, Bioneers’ Conference October 16, 17, & 18th. Showcase Gallery, Exhibition Hall Marin Civic Center, Marin, California. Curators Andree Thompson and Sharon Siskin.
UNEARTHING: 2 WEAD ARTISTS George-Ann Bowers & Reenie Charriere, Gallery Route One, February 6- March 15,2015, Point Reyes Station, California. Curators Sharon Siskin and Susan Leibovitz Steinman. https://vimeo.com/231245044
InterGEN- Womyn Artists’ Expressions, Impact Hub Oakland, Oakland CA. Guest Curator: Stephanie A. Johnson, Co-Curator: Lauren Elder.
Education and Community Events
InterGEN- Womyn Artists’ Expressions Workshop Series, Impact Hub Oakland CA. Workshops: Sept. 16 Zena Allen and Ayanna Bassiouri – Live performance: Music and Shadow Puppets, Sept. 22 Beth Grossman – “Table Talk” Community Conversation and Drawing. A cross cultural regard for the “Golden Rule”., Sept. 23 Ka Yan Cheung – Workshop: Graphic novels as a personal storytelling form.
WEAD information Table, Art In Nature/ Nature In Art Festival, Redwood Regional Park, Oakland CA.
WEAD Lounge, SubZero Art Festival, San Jose CA. https://vimeo.com/98363384
Art as Activism, Berkeley City College, Jerry Adams Gallery, Berkeley, CA, Curators: Jan Dove and Raheleh (Minoosh) Zomorodinia
Art in a Time of Climatological Catastrophes, WEAD Membership Exhibition, China Brotsky Gallery, Thoreau Center for Sustainability, San Francisco, CA Juror: Suzaan Boettger Video of exhibition http://vimeo.com/84183249
Sea Water Rise/Sea Change, Shoreline Interpretive Center, Hayward, CA, Curators: Lauren Elder and Enid Baxter Blader Selections from the All of Us Or None Poster Archive, curated by Lincoln Cushing, 2013 Bioneers Conference, Marin Civic Center, Mill Valley, CA
Education and Community Events
Workshop related to Sea Level Rise/Sea Change exhibition, Shoreline Interpretive Center, Hayward, CA, Attendance: approx. 60 Video: Sea Level Rise/ Sea Change Shoreline Interpretive Center, Hayward, CA http://vimeo.com/71215701
WEAD artists’ panel discussion related to Art as Activism exhibition, Berkeley City College, Berkeley, CA, Curators: Raheleh (Minoosh) Zomorodinia and Jan Dove https://vimeo.com/103476356
WEAD Information Table, Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA, October
Special Projects
Continued collaboration with Wells Fargo Social Responsibility Group’s Green Team recognition program – awarded two commissions to artist Chandra Glaeseman (Oregon).
Convergence/Divergence, Los Medanos College Gallery, Pittsburg, CA. Curator: Suzon Fuks https://vimeo.com/61389170
Beyond Landscape, WEAD artists Membership show, Marin Foundation, Novato, CA Curator: Patricia Watts Video: Beyond Landscape: http://vimeo.com/60805252
Atomic Legacy, Bioneers Conference, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA
Education and Community Events
One day web-based Symposium at Los Medanos College related to Convergence/Divergence, Waterwheel, on water issues, lead by Suzon Fuks
Waterwheel Symposium Video at http://vimeo.com/61389170
Earth Day Celebration and Green House Rising,Big Daddy’s Complete Rejuvenating Community Garden, Emeryville, CA
WEAD’s 1st Annual Listing Artists’ Soiree, January 2012 Leila’s Café, Berkeley, CA
WEAD Information Table, Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA, October
WEAD Online Magazine Issue 5 and Website Directory
Special Projects
Continued collaboration with Wells Fargo Social Responsibility Group’s Green Team recognition program – awarded to Julie Kornblum (So. California) and Marisa Dipaola (New Jersey).
Art At the Dump: Recology, San Francisco’s Recology Artist in Residency program artists Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA, October.
Education and Community Events
WEAD Online Magazine Issue 3 and 4
https://directory.weadartists.org/category/magazine/issues/4 -
WEAD Information Table, Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA, October, 2011
Special Projects
Continued collaboration with Wells Fargo Social Responsibility Group’s Green Team recognition program – awarded to Pamela Blotner and Lorna Stevens, both from No. California.
WEAD – The 15th Anniversary Exhibition of the Women Environmental Artists Directory, Department of Arts & Consciousness Gallery, John F. Kennedy University, Berkeley, CA May 12 – June 12
Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA
Education and Community Events
WEAD – The 15th Anniversary Community Art Lecture Series and WEAD Panel Presentation, Department of Arts & Consciousness Gallery, John F. Kennedy University, Berkeley, CA
https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/67711046 -
Ecoart Video Salon & Roundtable Discussion at Intersection 5M, San Francisco, CA
Art in the Garden Benefit Birthday party, Big Daddy Community Garden, Emeryville, CA, Saturday April 24. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission benefits WEAD’s & outreach programs.
Putting the Eco-Defining the Genre of Ecoart, Panel, Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA
WEAD Information Table, Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA, October
WEAD Online Magazine Issue 1 and 2
Special Projects
First year of ongoing collaboration with Wells Fargo Social Responsibility Group’s Green Team recognition program – awarded to Suzanne Husky (No. California). Manage a juried competition that commissions an artist to create an eco artwork twice a year to be awarded to employees for ecological efforts in the workplace and local communities.
WEAD Directory moved from printed Directory to completely digital web based Directory.
From the Classroom to the Community, Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA, October
Education and Community Events
WEAD Information Table, Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA, October
Film Benefit: Rachel Carson film, As part of Terroir Exhibition, curated by Tricia Watts, Cheese Factory, Marin County, CA
Sources: Sacred Water Sites, Curated by Betsy Damon, Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA, October
Education and Community Events
Art and Ecology Summit, Panel curated by Patricia Watts and EcoartSpace, WEAD panelists,
Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA
WEAD Information Table, Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA, October
Jo Hanson Artworks: A Memorial Showing and Benefit Sale, 201 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA. Sept
Eco-Art Strategies: Towards a Culture of Sustainability, Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA, October
Education and Community Events
Panel, Bioneers, Eco-Art Strategies: Towards a Culture of Sustainability, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA. WEAD Information Table
eARThly Concerns: Activist EcoArt,Curated by WEAD, Thatcher Gallery, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Eco-Art Activists: Making the Invisible Visible, Bioneers Conference, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA
Education and Community Events
PaneleARThly Concerns: Activist EcoArt,Thatcher Gallery, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA.
Round table artist Panel, Eco-Art Activists: Making the Invisible Visible, Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA . drew 100+ participants. WEAD Information Table
Workshop, Moving Beyond the Frame: Eco-Artists Facing Environmental Challenges, Bioneers Conference, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA
EcoVisions: Bay Area Artists Exploring Global Ecological
Issues, curated by WEAD Board, Thoreau Gallery, Presidio, San Francisco
Education and Community Events
Roundtable Discussion for local eco artists, EcoVisions: Bay Area Artists Exploring Global Ecological
Issues, Thoreau Center for Sustainability, Presidio, San Francisco, CA
WEAD Information Table, Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA, October
Education and Community Events
Confluence: Women, Water & Art, Workshop, Recology Education Center and Artist in Residence Program, San Francisco, CA All day event
WEAD Information Table, Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA, October
Education and Community Events
WEAD: Why We Do What We Do, Community Conversation, Gallery Route 1, Point Reyes Station, CA
WEAD Information Table, Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA, October
WEAD EcoArt = EcoActivism, juried exhibition, Department of Arts & Consciousness Gallery, John F. Kennedy University, Berkeley, CA
WEAD Information Table, Bioneers, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA, October
Education and Community Events
WEAD Eco-Art=Eco-Activism Symposium, October, JFK Art Gallery, Berkeley, CA October produced and organized a sold out, all day symposium Department of Arts & Consciousness Gallery, John F. Kennedy University, Berkeley, CA
Video Salon & Roundtable Discussion, Intersection 5M, San Francisco, C
Since 1999 WEAD had produced ecoart artist panels and exhibitions at the annual international Bioneers Conference held in Marin County and telecast around the world.
2010 Singers of Tales: Documenting the work of Women Environmental Artists, Anna Clarke and Elizabeth Pasterfield-Li
2007 eARThly Concerns, Debra Koppman, Artweek, San Jose, CA
2005 Eco Visions at Thoreau Center for Sustainability, Barbara Morris, Artweek, San Jose, CA