Art + Activism No. 21:
Censored Landscapes:
The Hidden Reality of Farming Animals
with Isabella La Rocca González
via Zoom
Sunday, April 6, 1:30-3:00 PM PST
The presentation will touch on the myriad ecological ramifications of farming animals, including unspeakable animal suffering, environmental devastation, worker exploitation, human health detriments, economic and political inequalities, colonialism, and social injustice. The artist will also discuss the challenges of creating an activist art project about an industry that insinuates itself into all aspects of our lives, and a profoundly controversial topic.
Earth Day Workshop:
Upcycling Materials and Plastic Fusion
with Tara de la Garza
in Palo Alto, California
Saturday, April 26, 3:00-5:00 PM PST
Tara has accumulated a dizzying array of discarded materials that she invites you to come play with. Her medium of choice is plastic and she will show us how to manipulate it in creative ways. For this workshop we will be fusing film plastic into ‘pleather’ sheets that can then be sewn or welded into forms. She also has an injection molder, 3D printers using recycled filament for rapid prototyping, an industrial sewing machine to sew thick materials and many other toys that she invites you to return to as a resource in your art practice.