To provide information regarding the ecoart and social justice art fields to artists, curators, writers, art and public art administrators, educators in art and ecology, cross-disciplinary professionals and others.
To facilitate international networking among artists working with ecological and social justice issues.
To further the fields of, and the understanding of environmental and social justice art.
Ecofeminist Art
WEAD does not proscribe to a single definition for ecofeminism or ecoart, nor one set of cultural, political, or social beliefs. Instead, WEAD celebrates a spectrum of differences under the colorful collective umbrella called ecofeminist art. Here women speak in their own voices, definite their own work and map its place in the world. Together we work toward a just, sane, healthy world for all.

Mission Statement
Focusing on women’s unique perspectives we collaborate internationally to further the field and understanding of ecological and social justice art.