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WEAD focuses on women’s unique perspective in ecological and social justice art.
Browse international women-identified eco artists

Roberta Trentin, New York, USA

Deb Bain-King, Melbourne, Australia

Deanna Pindell, Washington, USA

Roberta Trentin, New York, USA
Art + Science No. 4:
Dancing in the Borderland:
The Past, Present & Future
with Diane Ullman and Emily Meineke
via Zoom
Sunday, March 23, 4-5:30 PM PST
Art + Activism No. 21:
Censored Landscapes:
The Hidden Reality of Farming Animals
with Isabella La Rocca González
via Zoom
Sunday, April 6, 1:30-3:00 PM PST
Earth Day Workshop:
Upcycling Materials and Plastic Fusion
with Tara de la Garza
in Palo Alto, California
Saturday, April 26, 3:00-5:00 PM PST
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